Summer Term 

Learning Tree is not just a place for learning English. Our goal is to provide our students with the skills they need to become intelligent, analytical and confident adults. In this environment English isn’t just a subject, but a tool for learning. One of the things that is under-emphasized in the Japanese educational system is introspection. Knowledge is given a priority over self­ discovery.

We consistently encounter children with the strong desire to learn and very well developed abilities to research; but who struggle to create opinions or to confidently defend their choices. Our curriculum has been redesigned to more aggressively foster our students’ understanding of themselves alongside their educational pursuits.


Our summer term is for students who take English education seriously. All participants must take all 3 weeks of summer term. We cannot accept new students who are not willing to continue learning English with us after summer. We will take non-Learning Tree students only if they are native in English or have passed the following Eiken levels: 4-5 years old- Eiken 5, 5-6 years old- Eiken 4, Grade 1- Eiken 3, Grade 2- Eiken pre 2, Grade 3 and up- Eiken 2.

Thank you so much for your interest in joining Learning Tree Summer Term. As always we receive many applications. We are very sorry we will not be able to accept everyone this summer. We limit the number of students and keep their level in mind to ensure safety and quality within our classes. If you want to provide the best education for your child with a goal of becoming bilingual, please talk to us regarding enrollment for our Learning Tree Preschool & Kindergarten or Elementary Program. Thank you for your understanding. Learning Tree