Extra Care for students

While we rely on our teachers to provide for the well-being of our students, we do understand that there are times when we must consult a professional. We care about the progress of our children whether it is their emotional or physical progress. If a situation arises where we feel that an expert must be consulted, we have an on-call school counselor that can provide assistance.

In addition, if an accident or health related issue occurs, we will immediately call St. Luke’s International Hospital for advice.○ For security reasons, we have a video interphone, and we only open the door for people who have appointments. In addition we have asked the neighborhood police to patrol the area.

We have installed reverse osmosis water purifiers that can remove 96-99% of radioactive substances from water.
We check the radiation level in the air before we take the kids to the park. (Above 0.30microSV/hour-no outside play)

The policy for Learning Tree healthy lunch is below:

  1. No preservatives
  2. All ingredients are from Hokkaido or the western part of Japan. If we have to use ingredients from the Kanto area, we will only buy food tested for radioactive substances that have a level not more than 50 Bq per 100kg. However, usually it is hard to tell, so we are planning NOT to include anything from Kanto area for now.
  3. Organic or low chemical use
  4. All natural seasoning and condiments
  5. High quality oil, either olive oil or natural rapeseed oil
  6. Uphold the natural flavor of the ingredients
  7. Less animal meat and more soybeans, seaweed, fish and vegetables, including root vegetables
  8. Fish is all natural (Not farm raised), Chicken and Pork are free range, with natural food (non biologically modified), without any hormone injections or antibiotics.
  9. Food temperature is kept at over 65C and served within 2 hours after cooking.
  10. Water is filtered by reverse osmosis.
  11. We cannot accept any requests to remove certain foods from the lunch. This is to prevent serious accidents like anaphylactic reactions.
       Monday:Fish and vegetables
       Wednesday:Chicken or Pork and vegetables
       Thursday: Vegetarian
       Friday: Fish and vegetables
  • Our soap is made of 100% natural ingredients.
  • We have a survival kit for all children with food and water which lasts for three days in case of emergency.
  • In case of emergency, we will evacuate to the park with safety helmets. However, we’ll go back to the upper premises of Learning Tree in case of a tsunami warning.

Food – ごはん –


玄米:有機玄米 北海道産 ななつぼし H23年度
全粒粉:有機 米国産
にんにくの芽:有機 高知県産
人参:有機 大分県豊後高田市産
ごぼう:有機 宮崎県小林市産
ごま:有機 国内産

Snacks -スナック –

クッキーメダル (Sports Day)



Seasoning – 使用調味料 –

左下>無農薬 無添加 有機生みそ 白・赤(大豆:モンゴル産):自社直営農場にて栽培http://www.maruman-miso.com/iso.html

左端>ボスコ エキストラバージン・オリーブオイル
左から3番目>有機 本みりん(有機もち米:米国産、有機米麹:米国産米):有機米を使用し、有機認定工場で醸造した純米本みりん。
右から3番目>美濃 有機純米米酢:岐阜県産